Hearing Aid Repairs

Our all make hearing aid repair service is not available on a postal system. After repair, the instrument may need reprogramming. We have chosen to do this to ensure we only offer the best aftercare available.

More information about our Repairs

Our all make hearing aid repair service is not available on a postal system. The reason for this is we can not offer you a proper service if we can not see you. If our centres are not in your area please telephone us and we will give you the number of a “recommended by” us hearing aid centre ensuring you of the same aftercare.
Repair Costs
  • New microphone and/or receiver: £125-£180
  • Reshell: £250-£495
  • Service: £28 (This covers about 40% of all repairs needed).


  • Reprogram if hearing instrument is not purchased from us: £295
  • This includes hearing test
  • Tympanometry
  • Real Ear Measurement
  • Speech Mapping.
All our repairs come with a 6-month warranty and the opportunity to extend it after the 6 months has expired.

Feel free to call us today on 01257 263253. Alternatively, book online below:

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